Vitse Procurement

Vitse Procurement Software is a tool that helps companies manage their budget and requisition process. It offers diverse user access with authorization and approval features, and is accessible on all types of devices.

Vitse Procurement

The Vitse Procurement Software proactively manages procurement processes with visibility, automated workflows, and spend controls. It includes a variety of features such as invoice approval, easy requisitioning, and expense reports, and it monitors capital as well as operational expenditures. Overall, this software is designed to make the procurement process more efficient, cost-effective and transparent, giving you the control you need over your company's finances.

Multi-level approval workflow

The software also separates a company's budget into OPEX and CAPEX, providing a clear overview of how funds are being used. Additionally, it monitors the flow of funds, ensuring that all transactions are tracked and accounted for. The software also allows for management approval, providing valuable insights into where your company's funds are being spent. Additionally, the software features custom multi-level approval workflows, enabling organizations to set up and manage their procurement process according to their specific needs.

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